If you are ever in Belfast and desparate to buy an aran jumper / a Shillelagh / a (bigger than life-size) leprauchaun / a fridge magnet shaped like a pint of Guinness / a (not to scale) model of the Titanic, then you'll really need to pay a visit to Smyths....
Does this place have a website? I would like to see some of their wares. Nice photo.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
I don't think they do. But the tourist board offices - at the welcome centre - have an on-line shop - you can view it here: http://www.gotobelfast.com/shop/index.cfm/level/page/category_key/200/Page_Key/296/Parent_Key/0/type/Page/PaGeName/Gift_Shop
Welcome to the changing city with the biggest out door art gallery in the world.Two communities the Falls & Shankill Road,have expressed their opinions by painting these famous murals on gable walls http://www.belfastattractions.co.uk is a tourist bible
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